Song of the Day Feb 28

February 28, 2024

This month I’m focusing on Love Songs from the 70s.

Today our song is:  Wonderful Tonight

Wikipedia tells us this about the song:

On 7 September 1976, Clapton wrote "Wonderful Tonight" for Pattie Boyd while waiting for her to get ready to attend Paul and Linda McCartney's annual Buddy Holly party. The song is mentioned in her autobiographical book Wonderful Today

Billboard described "Wonderful Tonight" as "perhaps Clapton's prettiest and mellowest love ballad in some time." Billboard particularly praised Clapton's guitar playing during the interludes. Cash Box said that "Eric’s singing is superbly understated; the guitar work is simple and evocative" and praised "the gentle beat and organ accompaniment." Record World called it a "light, pretty ballad from [the album] that should also move quickly up the charts" and praised Clapton's singing."




  1. There was a woman here in Atlanta that would call this in as a request every night...


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