Call Me Battle: August


Hello August! Welcome back to the Call Me Battle!

Before we get too far involved in today’s battle, I would like to invite you all to join us battle bloggers in welcoming Christine to the group! Her blog link is located at the bottom of this post along with the other battle bloggers. 

Once again… The Partridges won the last battle. That means they are taking on a new contender. Now, if you’re getting tired of seeing the Partridge Family name in lights, go recruit your friends to stop by and cast a vote. Otherwise… zip it.  I’m not going back for recounts and looking for hanging chads.   

You may have also noticed that Anonymous people can no longer post comments. I had to make this change as I have been targeted by a few spam bots. 

So let’s get right to it!  I think the contender has a decent chance this time. 

Partridge Family

City Boy

Will City Boy take the lead? Or will The Partridge Family hold their own for another month? Cast your votes in the comments below.

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. Mike’s Ramblings

    4. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    5. Curious As A Cathy

    6. dIEDRE

    7. Debbie DogLady

    8. Christine

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 8th of this month.  


  1. Hey Mary,

    Why is it I don't remember City Boy? They have a good sound. I will check more of their music out. Do I like them better? Gee, that's tough! I'm torn because David Cassidy is part of my youth. He had a sweetness about his voice and then the music arrangement has such a mellow vibe which I really like. I'm going to stay loyal. Give my vote to The Partridge Family, please!

    My battle is live now, here! Have a bandtastic week, my dear!! xo

  2. Hope you're doing well, Mary, and having a good summer. I don't remember either of these songs, but (as you may have guessed 🙂), I'm not a Partridge fan. Their music is just a little too "milquetoast" for me and this number is no different. City Boy, on the other hand, offers a catchy beat and more energy, so I'm choosing them. No surprise, yes? 😁

  3. City Boy was okay, but it didn't grab hold to stay with me. Not that the Partridge Family song grabs me that much more, but I like them better.

    Again it's The Partridge Family for me.



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