#4M : Heaven Or Hell - Do You Know Where You're Going To?

Welcome back to Monday’s Music Moves Me!

Our Musical Conductor this month is Michele from Angels Bark .  Michele has chosen Songs About Heaven or Hell.   While I know that Michele chose the topic late last year, the timing is actually pretty good - given that we are celebrating Memorial Day today.  Memorial Day - the day we honor those that have passed on before us and celebrate those that are still with us.

My family has a tradition - we’ve been doing it every year for the past 50 years (or more). On the Saturday of the holiday weekend, we decorate the graves of our loved ones and afterward we have a family reunion/potluck at the park which is conveniently across the street from the cemetery.

Have you ever given any thought as to where you go when you die?  Do you believe in Heaven or Hell?

Enjoy today’s playlist!

Volbeat - Heaven Nor Hell
Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven
Iggy Pop and The Stooges - Your Pretty Face is Going To Hell
Judas Priest - Saints in Hell
Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is a Place on Earth

I know there are plenty more songs that fit the category, but it’s a holiday, so keeping this one short.

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this bloghop.


  1. Judas Priest! Thanks for that. ♥ You always have some excellent tunes to offer, Mary. And Iggy Pop; cool! ☺ I didn't see your link in the list, though. Came to it by way of Facebook.

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      I've been having some connectivity issues this weekend. I was able to grab the code to add the linky to my page, but when it came time to add my link, it's not showing up for me. I'm not able to see the linky list at all on Cathy's page either. I hope I can resolve these issues soon!

  2. Good playlist! My favorite is "Too Much Heaven."

    1. Thanks, John!

      The BeeGees are always a favorite :) Hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend.

  3. Very nice playlist. I enjoyed all the songs on there. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. I saw your playlist without problems. Cool rockin' set. Never heard of that first band but I liked it and Iggy's always a treat.

    1. Thanks, Cathy!

      It was the blog hop linky that went missing on me. Now, if only I can get my ads to come back. They are a necessary evil.

  5. >>... Have you ever given any thought as to where you go when you die? Do you believe in Heaven or Hell?

    As an atheist, I don't believe in Heaven or hell. But I *DO* believe that all dogs go to... the cemetery, where they can dig up bones all day and night.

    I guess what I'm saying is that... all dogs go to heaven. (At least it's heaven to *THEM*.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Not for one minute do I believe that you are an atheist. But, you might be Dyslexic and believe in Dogs instead of God.

  6. Mary,

    I have no worries about where I'll spend eternal life having surrender my life to Christ in 1976. I am no better than the next nor worthy of the scarfice He made for me on the cross but His love for mankind was so great and wishes for all to be covered by His shed blood if only we call on His name repenting of our sins to walk the path that leads to heaven. The decision is purrsonal but if the calling is there I encourage all to not deny it but accept God's gracious gift.

    Your playlist is excellent. The Bee Gees 'Too Much Heaven' is one of my favorites. Thanks for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor, my dear. Have a boogietastic week!

  7. Hi Mary,
    First, thanks for all your kind words and your thoughts and prayers for my Mom. I really appreciate it. I just pray we all get through this and I can bring Mom back home here. It just has to work out!

    I really like your Memorial Day holiday tradition with the family. That sounds wonderful. I miss those days when we still had lots of family and all got together for holidays and such. I envy those that still have those opportunities. Enjoy each and every one!

    Anyway, cool playlist! A bunch that I'm unfamiliar with, which is always neat. I like the first one, by Volbeat. I don't think I've ever heard of them before. Maybe I know some of their other stuff and just don't know it. But I really like this song you brought to us here.

    I love the Bee Gees. I didn't even think of this song for my playlist! How is that possible when I hear Bee Gees songs practically every day when I have the TV music channels on (Stingray's 70s channel). My favorite that plays all the time is "Tragedy".

    I also really like Belinda Carlise's "Heaven is a Place on Earth", another one that never came to my mind that should've. Such a great song.

    Going to hit the sack now. I'm exhausted and hope the dogs will let me sleep in (doubtful)... :)

    talk soon. Thanks for being such a good friend.
    love ya,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  8. First, that is a beautiful tradition. Years ago, my husband's grandmother (who is now buried in Gate of Heaven cemetery in Westchester County, NY along with many other family including husband's late 107 year old aunt who passed earlier this month) used to visit all the family graves there on Memorial Day with flowers. One year, we did it with my late mother in law. Where mil is buried, so are a lot of Asians and their famiies come out and make a big picnic day of it, too. Re your songs - smacking head, why didn't I think of Volbeat. It was so obvious..maybe too obvious. I got into Belinda Carlisle and Judas Priest, too.


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