#4M #RocktoberMusicFest Creepy #BattleoftheBands

Whew! Half-way through the month already! Can you believe it?!?

Once again, it’s a busy Monday - We’ve got #4M (Mondays Music Moves Me), #RocktoberMusicFest, and #BattleoftheBands - but I’ve managed to roll it all up into a tiny bundle as one post.

A few months ago, I was struggling to come up with a battle for that particular time. As I was surfing through YouTube and a number of notes that I had made for myself for possible upcoming posts (you do that, too, don’t you?) The idea for today’s battle was formed.  I did manage to come up with a battle for that date as well.

So this post has been on the back burner for a few months. I sure hope it isn’t overdone!

Because this is the second Battle of the Bands for the month, I wanted something that wasn’t quite Halloweenish, but would be a good fit for the time frame. (I hope that makes sense)

Today’s battle is two songs with the same name, but are two very different songs. When voting, please indicate which band you prefer - otherwise I won’t know who you are voting for. .

Let’s get this battle going!

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here

Here is how a battle works:

Step One - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching) 

Step Two - Pick the contender that you prefer the most

Step Three - Comment with your selection. Today’s contenders are Stone Temple Pilots and Radiohead. These are the only contenders that will receive votes today in this battle. I know some of you get excited about the graphics when you see a name or song you recognize - but please, for the love of all things good,  ONLY VOTE FOR STONE TEMPLE PILOTS or RADIOHEAD.

Step Four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

Contender #1 - Stone Temple Pilots

Contender #2 - Radiohead

YOU DON’T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH AN ARTIST OR A SONG TO KNOW WHICH ONE YOU PREFER. You only need to listen to the videos and choose which one sounds better to you.  There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for someone not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

For those of you who may be interested in joining in our fun - The battles take place twice a month. Once on the 1st, and again on the 15th. Some participants have chosen to participate only once a month - and that’s okay - we’re just happy to have you join us! Your battle can consist of covers of the same song, different songs with the same title, or even a themed type battle. We just want you to join in the fun!  Catch the link to Stephen’s blog to join in - all you need to do is drop him a comment on his blog stating you’d like to participate and he’ll add you to the roster of participants.

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands blog hop as well.  We’ve all put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place. You can find a current list of participants on Stephen’s blog (don't forget you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop by simply commenting on his blog that you'd like to join us). 

Join today’s #RocktoberMusicFest Blog Hop:

And don’t forget to join in Monday’s Music Moves Me:

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in these bloghops.


  1. I've always liked the Radiohead song "Creep". I'd forgotten STP's song with the same title and it is a pretty cool tune. But in the match, Radiohead's "Creep" wins for the recording that I like best. STP is the creepiest sounding though.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Lee!

      First vote out of the chute :) I've got you down for a vote for Radiohead.

      I hope to be around shortly. If not, I definitely will before end of day tomorrow.


  2. I love both of them but I kinda like Radiohead too. Karma Police is one of my favourites but Creep gives me an awesome feeling. And I will check out Stephen's blog too because I wanna participate.

    1. Thanks, Moni!

      I'm sure you'll have an enjoyable time with all the musical trivia and music. Thanks for stopping by with your vote. I can't wait to see who is going to win!


  3. Creep for me too! Hands down! I have always liked the song.

    1. I just don't know what to do with this. They are both titled 'Creep'. I have no idea which one you are referring to.


  4. Oh how fun, I love radiohead!
    I haven't heared of #RocktoberMusicFest Blog Hop either, I am going to have a look. Cool idea!!

    1. Thanks, Hannah!

      #RocktoberMusicFest is a musical blog hop that I started this year. Feel free to join in anytime with your rock music posts :)


  5. Mary,

    There's no denying that it's going to be hard to beat Radiohead in this round. I like the their song but...I'm really digging the new-to-me band, Stone Temple Pilot. In fact, I had to go back for a second listen to STP's song. I have to admit that I didn't realize that these are different songs at first. I had to actually check out the lyrics. *blush* Anyhow, I'm going to give my vote to Stone Temple Pilot. Overall I preferred the vocals better. The mewsic arrangement is quite good especially when it hits the chorus. They lyrics didn't play a lot into my decision since it's hard for me to understand the words but how the mewsic is interpreted by my brain and voices is what I largely go by when choose. Thanks for the introduction, the boogie, and for hosting the fun song-a-day challenge this month!

    1. Now Cathy,

      Just because a few people cast their vote ahead of you for a certain group, does in no way reflect a total outcome of a battle.

      That being said, STP thanks you for your vote!


  6. I had never heard Radiohead's version - and it won. By at least a length. I think they expressed the song better. Surprised me a little!

    1. How can you say it won? we're just barely into day 1 of the battle? That's like declaring Hilary the new President weeks before election day.

      I've got you down as a vote for Radiohead.

      Thanks for stopping in!


  7. Radiohead for sure. I love that song by them. Please delete my post as I read the requirements wrong. Sorry. Have a wonderful Monday.

    1. No worries Patrick!

      Some of the videos you have in your post qualifies you, so I'm keeping you here for the day.

      Have a great week!


  8. Hi Mary! This is a tough one, with two great songs to choose from. Each has a lot going for it...In the end, Stone Temple Pilots gave me more of an emotional jolt, (especially the vocals) so I'm voting for them. Surprising, since I've always liked Radiohead's song a lot.

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      I really hope that I don't have to vote between the two, as I really like them both as well.

      STP appreciates your support in this battle.

      Happy Monday! and welcome back from your vacation!


  9. Great post, Mary. Introduced me to a new band, Stone Temple Pilots. It's hard to choose between the songs, but I'm going for Stone Temple Pilots because I think the opening bars were better than Radiohead.

    1. There is no comment box that I can see so I will just put my vote here. I agree with Trish and vote for Stone Temple Pilots it seems to be a smoother song to me.

    2. Thanks, Trish!

      I've got you down for a vote for STP. Sure do appreciate it!


    3. Uh Oh Tammy!

      I wonder why you aren't able to see the comment box? Usually when it does that, it doesn't let you reply either. WEIRD.

      Anyway, I truly appreciate you stopping by with your vote!


  10. Replies
    1. HI Stephanie!

      You got it! It looks like this is going to be a close one... I'll have the results posted on Monday the 22ns.


  11. You always have such cool songs. Can't stay long.. passed my bedtime just wanted to stop and say hello! HUGS

  12. Oh Lord, you still get them, not matter how hard you try to make EVERYTHING so easy and so clear. I saw the "Creep for me too, hands down!" vote. I just shook my head. Like, really?? WTF. I almost have to wonder, is it a bot?? Jesus Lord, what the shit? I think it's close for me to take a step back from people. The quote "The more people I meet, the more I love my dogs" is flashing bright red right now. Yep, yep, yep....

    Anyway, great battle here Mary! I really like both songs. Musically, both are fantastic. The lyrics do nothing for me. The STP lyrics especially don't even make sense to me...and I'm sure they're probably not supposed to make sense. It's probably just putting words together that work with the music I guess.
    That being said, I'm going to cast my vote for Creep. Great song!

    Have a fabulous week...

    Okay, wait, wait, just kidding. My vote is going to STONE TEMPLE PILOTS!
    Love that song! Musically, that is. :)

    Have a great week, for real this time...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Sadly.... I do mean sadly...

      These are real people. And yes, now you know why I have such a disdain for people in general.

      But there is truly no excuse for someone that refers to themselves as 'bloggers' to respond in such a manner that it is clear that they did not read the post. Feel free to respond to their comments. One day, I may just post nothing but a giant rant about the dumb things I see people say and do online - I could write a book! (but no one would read it)

      Am running behind schedule here, so keeping my response short. Got you down for STP!



  13. Did you know that most people confuse "Creep" by STP for being Nirvana? My son was just listing to the top 10 songs confused for other bands and this was like #1.

    Anyway, just tossing out a little trivia - but my vote goes to RADIOHEAD, they'll always be "Creep" to me! :D

    1. Hey there!

      I can see how STP's Creep gets confused with Nirvana. It has that 'vibe' going for it.

      Got you down for Radiohead. Thanks for stopping in with your vote :)


  14. I love both but would vote for Radiohead... it is 51/49 situation for me.

    1. Thank you Pooja!

      I appreciate you coming back and fixing your comment. Unfortunately, I have a lot of 'sheeple' that comment and when one sees the odd vote, they all go off kilter.


  15. I'll go with the "Stone Temple Pilots" today! Hhhhmmmm....

    1. Alrighty!

      Another vote for STP!. This is like watching a tennis match :)

      Can't wait to see the final outcome. Thanks for stopping by!


  16. Hard decision but I think I will have to go with Creep by Radiohead. I think they're going to be the winners of this battle!!!!

    1. No, Melanie, No!

      Well... okay, if you insist. You can vote for Radiohead. But it's going to be pretty close.

      Thanks for dropping in with your comment.


  17. I had heard the Radiohead version before but not STP. I had to listen twice to STP and I think i like them better, i vote for STP.

    1. Thank you!

      I appreciate that you took the time to listen to the videos and cast your vote accordingly. Another vote for STP

      Yup, it's gonna be close.


  18. I think Radiohead had more of an understanding of the word "creep," so they get my vote.

    1. I don't know, John.

      I think there are all kinds of creeps. I think both groups interpret the word differently.

      I've got you down for Radiohead.


  19. I vote for the Creep.

    Huh? I can't vote for myself? Fine. Go-ooo-odBYE!!

    MMQE, this is the third time I've tried to get here to vote but twice before something went awry with my computer. Like they say, third time's a charm, I guess.

    I'd never heard either song before. The singer for Stone Temple Pilots reminded me of my cousin. His voice is similar but... my Cousin is a better singer. Yup! I said it. And I'm standing by it. And not because my Cousin's my cousin, either.

    I'm voting for Hillary. And Serena Williams. And Elizabeth "How!" Warren. And I'm voting for RADIOHEAD. Why? Because the singer from the other band stole my Cousin's voice and his fame and his fortune. Life ain't fair and people suck. (I'm kidding. Life's fair.)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. Wait.

      You say your cousin sounds like Scott Weiland? Tell him to get in touch with the boys from STP, Velvet Revolver, and dang it... now I went and forgot the name of the band he was in. Now that Scott is dead and gone, there's plenty of room for your dear ol' cuz to step in and shine! And I bet the band mates would appreciate the lack of drug use (not that I know your cuz, but I suspect he isn't a user)

      You can vote for Hillary, Taylor Swift, and Elizabeth 'Kimosabe' Warren all you want - but they aren't going to win - on THIS page! No way! Not unless you dig up more dead Republican Chicagoans.

      And even then - I am demanding a recount - hanging chads and all!

      Glad to hear you got your 'puter fixed.


    2. MMQE ~
      I think you probably saw this already, once before, on a blog bit far, far away. But if not, here's my Cousin John singing a song he wrote. The video needs a lot of work, and this is my second least favorite band John has ever been in, but this gives you an idea.

      [Link> PARTY'S STARTED

      That doesn't show off John's voice really well, but he's better than most of the million-dollar fraud rockers out there today. The whole scene is a load of horse pucky, and if you don't sell your soul to the devil and the devil's Wizards Behind The Curtain, you ain't gonna get fame and fortune in "this world" when it come to "music".

      I turned John onto Rock back when I was a teenager and he was just a kid, and he eventually got so into it that he took up singing and songwriting. He was pretty bad when he started out, but he took some actual singing lessons and got quite good. He was once in a band called The Zone, and if "this world" was an even playing field, they'd have made it really big. That was a fantastic band and I still play some of their music that I have on tapes and homemade CDs.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  20. Radiohead gets my vote I like their song better

    1. Thanks, Mike!

      Appreciate you stopping in with your vote.


  21. I'm going to have to go with drumroll....Radiohead "Creeps". It just has a haunting cool vibe that appeals to me.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer!

      Appreciate your input and vote.


  22. My vote goes to RADIOHEAD! I didn't know that there's another creep song. Haha!

    1. Thanks, Karla!

      Don't you just love finding new stuff out like this?


  23. Two great songs from my high school days, it is a tough one but I am going to have to go with Radiohead.

    1. Thsnks, Mike!

      Sure do appreciate you taking the time to stop in with your vote. Results will be posted on Monday.


  24. These are both amazing songs and its so immpossible for me to choose

    1. I think that's a really poor excuse not to cast a vote.

  25. StoneTemple I prefer over radiohead. STP seemed stronger and more "together" with all the instruments and the voice. Radiohead seemed disjointed and, actually, the voice seemed to fade in and out-due to his voice not my speakers which I found a bit irritating

    1. Thanks, Birgit!

      STP is really doing quite well in this battle. Just a few more days before I reveal the winner :)


  26. Darling Mary, the STP get no respect today. Radiohead bagged this one from the get-go. Their version is tough to beat.

    1/1024th Translyvanian

    1. Well Cherdo

      I happen to disagree with you. STP is getting plenty of love in this battle. Will it be enough to win? Time will only tell. I am actually a fan of both songs.

      Thanks for stopping in with a vote.


  27. You always share best & forgotten songs i am loving it. Thank you very much.

    1. And yet you didn't read the post and cast your vote. Disappointing.

  28. Thank you for sharing. I have to keep my messages short because of my limited time for now. Big hugs & thanks for sharing.

  29. Both are great, but my vote will have to go to Radiohead. :) Thanks so much for the dance! ;)

    1. Thanks, Stacy!

      Appreciate you taking the time to cast a vote. I'll share the results in Monday's post.


  30. Y'all probably voted already but I'd say Radiohead

    1. Thanks, Colette

      That fat lady has not sung her final note yet, but she's getting close :) Your vote has been received in time.



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