11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter

While this infographic is geared toward email marketers, I think there are some good elements that we as bloggers can use in our own emails.   Do you send out separate emails in addition to your blog feed?  Something to think about...

*This is a sponsored post from Campaign Monitor

The people at Campaign Monitor have these suggestions for us to create awesome newsletters.

1. Must Click Subject Line
Tease content that's inside, use humor, or ask a question to increase open rates.
Subject lines such as 'Sunny Deals to brighten up a Rainy Day' works well.

2. Compelling Preheader Copy

An enticing preheader gives you another chance to stand out among the inbox noise.
Insert a captivating sentence that makes the reader want more.

3. Featured Content

Pick one awesome piece of content to feature at the top of your newsletter
Only one piece of content in your email? No problem - Make it stand out!

4. Eye-catching Graphics
Each article needs an amazing photo, video or gif to draw subscribers in.
Personally, a photo or a gif is what draws me in and makes me want to read more.

5. Organized layout
Use a template that displays content in blocks, similar to a newspaper
Keep it neat and concise. No one likes sloppy writing, and it just makes you look bad.

6. Minimal text
Provide article titles and a one-sentence description for each piece of content

7. Clear CTAs
Use a colorful CTA (Click Through Action) button that stands out and directs readers to each article.

8. Minimal Promotions
Give subscribers 90% educational content and 10% promotional
Short and sweet - no one has time anymore. We are all literally drowning in email these days.

9. Social Links
Add social icons to every newsletter so subscribers can easily follow you.

10. Preference Selection
Let subscribers tell you what content they want by linking to a preference center

11. Unsubscribe Option
In the footer, provide an unsubscribe link to let subscribers opt-out easily.

11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter - Infographic by Campaign Monitor
Source: 11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter by Campaign Monitor

Try using these suggestions in your next newsletter, and make it Epic!

What other ideas do you have to share about creating the perfect newsletter? I'd love to hear them in the  comments below. 


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