The Ultimate Dog v Cat Battle of the Bands Tournament, Championship Round

Have you been following The Ultimate Dog v Cat Battle of the Bands Tournament?

Let me tell you, it has been a LOAD of fun co-hosting this little event with my good friend Michele from Angels Bark!

She’s been a good sport about the taunts from the ‘cats’.

If you haven’t been following along, let me recap the event for you.

Round One took place on each of our sites on July 15. Round One was intended to be our ‘harder’ rock tunes representing our sides.

Michele featured Led Zeppelin’s “Black Dog” and Ted Nugent’s “Dog Eat Dog”

I didn’t quite get the memo and went with covers of Ted Nugent’s “Cat Scratch Fever”

Round Two was for our ‘softer’ rock tunes. This round took place on August 1.

Michele featured Marvin Gaye’s “I’ll Be Doggone” and Lobo’s “Me & You & a Dog Named Boo”

I featured Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s In The Cradle” and Ugly Kid Joe’s “Cat’s In The Cradle”

Round Three (The Semi-Finals) happened on August 15, and we each battled our own harder rock against our own softer rock winners from Rounds One and Two.

Today we have The Championship Round taking place. The winners of the Semi-Finals are now facing off to see once and for all who is better - The CATS or The DOGS!

I have a pretty good idea who is going to take this Championship - but one never really knows with the unpredictability of our readers.

So, let me explain how voting will take place - since we’re both posting this same battle on both of our pages.

We would like to encourage you to visit both of our pages - because while a battle is a lot of fun, it’s nice to have the traffic and support of our friends and fellow bloggers!

HOWEVER -  your vote will only be counted once.  That’s right - if you vote on both of our pages, the duplicate vote will be discarded.  If you happen to vote differently of both of our pages - this will nullify both of your votes - so please don’t think you can split your vote. It won’t work that way.

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here

Here is how a battle works:

Step One - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching) 

StepTwo - Pick the contender that you prefer the most

Step Three - Comment with your selection. Today’s contenders are Led Zeppelin and Harry Chapin. These are the only two contenders that will receive votes today. I know some of you get excited about the graphics when you see a name or song you recognize - but please, for the love of all things good,  ONLY VOTE FOR HARRY CHAPIN OR LED ZEPPELIN.

Step Four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

Alright - I’ll make this next part quick because I know you’ll want to get on to the other battles taking place today.

Contender #1 - Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle

Contender #2 - Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

YOU DON’T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH AN ARTIST OR A SONG TO KNOW WHICH ONE YOU PREFER. You only need to listen to the videos and choose which one sounds better to you.  There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for someone not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

For those of you who may be interested in joining in our fun - The battles take place twice a month. Once on the 1st, and again on the 15th. Some participants have chosen to participate only once a month - and that’s okay - we’re just happy to have you join us! Your battle can consist of covers of the same song, different songs with the same title, or even a themed type battle. We just want you to join in the fun!  Catch the link to Stephen’s blog to join in - all you need to do is drop him a comment on his blog stating you’d like to participate and he’ll add you to the roster of participants.

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands blog hop as well, but especially would like to encourage you to visit Michele’s battle in this tournament. . We’ve put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place (with the exception of Michele & I). You can find a current list of participants on Stephen’s blog (don't forget you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop by simply commenting on his blog that you'd like to join us).


  1. HOOT GIBSON! Am I going to get the ball rolling on this Battle? (As I begin typing, no one else has posted a comment yet. Although someone will probably sneak one in before I hit "Publish" on this.)

    MMQE, I really enjoyed this novel idea that you and Michele came up with for BOTB. It's been fun, and I hope you'll be doing it again sometime.

    Well, this should be a pretty competitive Final Round because both songs are good and well known. I also like how it turned out with a softer song going against a harder one. It's neat to have multiple differences or "wrinkles" in a Battle. Always makes them more interesting, I think.

    I played both of these songs even though I already knew how I'd be voting. I'm not a big fan of Led Zeppelin. I only genuinely like maybe half a dozen of their songs, but 'BLACK DOG' happens to be one of them. It's a real good rocker! And, in my non-musical real life, I am a much bigger fan of canines than I am of felines.

    But having said that (you know what's coming next, right?), in this Battle I gotta vote for 'CATS IN THE CRADLE' by Harry Chapin. I'm old enough to remember when it was being played every hour on Top 40 AM radio. I dug it then and I dig it still. It's such a poignant song. It's not very often that a Rock or Pop song can really make someone think seriously and deeply about a subject, but 'CITC' sure does. Not a lot of songs can make a person reflect on father and son relationships like this one does.

    I was blessed by God to have two really A-list & E-Ticket terrific parents. So 'CITC' doesn't really apply in any way to my life, but I can certainly sympathize with anyone for whom the song truly describes lost opportunities to bond with their dad. It really is a GREAT, meaningful song! 'Black Dog' is a great rocker, but 'CITC' is something far deeper than that.

    Loved the Battles! You gals with yer cats and dogs dun gud! Fun stuffs, and I'm very curious to see how this is going to end up. Should be a close one.

    ~ Stephen
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. Holy Smokeronies Mr McCarthy!

      The ink is barely dry on this post and you must have been chomping at the bit to get your vote in right quick like that!

      I sure do appreciate your support in this tournament, and I know Michele does as well. This has been a load of ... FUN! We'll have to put our thinking caps together and come up with a fresh tournament soon - and we'll be sure to extend the invite to others to tourney with us. The gears are turning now... hmmm Best of the 60s or 70s?

      I've always been fond of BLACK DOG. Way back in the day, when everyone was just getting their own personal computers, I figured out how to change the sounds on mine, and BLACK DOG was what greeted me everytime I turned on the machine.

      But I've also really liked CATS IN THE CRADLE as well. You're right, it's just one of those songs that stays with you and has a great message to it.

      I'll be making my rounds here soon to see who's already posted or not. With it being holiday weekend, I know it's a crapshoot.

      Catch you on the flipside!


  2. As much as I like Led Zep, I'd probably rather listen to Harry Chapin most of the time. I'm getting mellow and sentimental in my old age I guess. Naw, I've always leaned in that direction.

    Give my vote to Harry Chapin.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee!

      Ain't nothin' wrong with leaning toward the mellow. A friend once told me they didn't care much for the soft rock of the 70s. I don't spend much time talking to them anymore, because no one needs that kind of negativity in their life.

      Looking forward to heading over to your battle to listen to your song. I'm truly excited for you!


  3. Mary Mary Sweet Mary!
    What a bunch of fun we've had doing this, huh? No matter how it turns out, each of the finale songs are winners in my book. And I have to say, I'll be back with my vote because at this point, even though I knew who the contenders were, I still need to think long and hard on it. So I'll be back as soon as I make up my mind.

    Ya know, we could actually make this here tournament the Inaugural Tournament and then every year around this time, do another Dog v Cat battle because there are certainly more cat and dog songs out there to choose from. Whaddya think??

    Okay, I'm calling it a day. I'm off but I'll be back with a vote soon...
    Thanks for everything. This has been so much fun teaming up together. Love ya tons! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele

      An annual event sounds wonderful! Although, I'd probably want to choose a different theme each year. Let's put our heads together - maybe get some input from Mr McCarthy (as I think he's a wee bit jealous he didn't come up with the idea!)

      I headed to bed over an hour ago - I just never made it there. Calling it a day for sure now.

      Catch up with ya later!


  4. Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle has always been one of my favorites--and it obviously still is--Chapin's got my vote!!

    1. Thanks, Michele!

      I think this is going to be quite the interesting turnout. Appreciate you stopping in with a vote.


  5. That’s so cool! I definitely have to vote for Cat’s In The Cradle! I love that song!

    1. Thanks, Ashleigh!

      This has been a lot of fun. We do this twice a month, so be sure to check back on the 15th for a brand new battle! Thanks for stopping in!


  6. This was a fun tournament! ☺ As much as I love Black Dog and dogs in general, my vote is going to Cat's in the Cradle. That song holds some special memories for me and I love it! ♥ The dogs are gonna bite me. LOL

    1. Oh, Debbie!

      Your secret is safe with me! LOL Truth be told, I voted for the doggies over on Michele's page. I almost asked for a secret ballot. LOL

      This was so much fun and I'm sure we're going to be doing it again. I'm hoping to possibly do a larger tournament with more BOTBers.


  7. Has to be Cats in the Cradle hands down. Okay I am hoping that is the one that winds. Been fun following along to see the outcome.

    1. Thanks, Candy!

      I sure do appreciate you stopping in with a vote. This has been an exciting tournament and I can't wait to see the outcome.


  8. While both are great choices, I have to lean towards Harry Chapin for the wint!

    1. Thanks, Melissa!

      He's doing great in the battle, but I haven't looked at Michele's page today yet to see how he's fairing over there.


  9. Wow! I like alot of these bands, I don't know how you can ever choose between them! Looks so fun though!

  10. Definitely have to go with cats in the cradle on this one. It’s created so much emotion every time I’ve heard it since I was a kid. I try to keep it in mind with my kids and people I love.

    1. Hi Amanda!

      It really is an emotional song. I'm glad that it has made it this far in the tournament.


  11. Replies
    1. YAY!

      A Vote for Black Dog! That keeps them in the fight! Thanks, Mike :)


  12. Cats in the Cradle is timeless to me. It also makes me think of Weird Al's version, but I digress. haha

    1. Ha!

      It's okay, Amanda, I'm a little odd like that as well :)
      Thanks for dropping in!


  13. This is such a fun way to connect with other bloggers. Is it bad that I hope it is a draw?

  14. Okay, let me sing out my answer ~

    And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon.
    "When you comin' home ?"
    "Son, I don't know when.
    We'll get together then.
    You know we'll have a good time then."

    I just love this song! Reminds me of my good ole high school days.

    1. Hi Sheena!

      That is a fabulous way to give your vote! I'm glad that I could take you down memory lane, if only for a few minutes.


  15. Interesting! What's the inspiration behind your blog?

  16. Hands down, Harry Chapin's Cats in the Cradle! I think I had commented on a similar post before, but this song is from my childhood. I definitely gravitate more towards the more mellower songs anyways, so this one was the clear winner for me. I gave the Led Zepplin one a lesson and it was a bit much for me. So, my vote is sort of biased!

    1. Hi Phoebe!

      You probably commented on an earlier round of the tournament. That's one thing I noticed about the tournament - that there seemed to be some confusion where people thought they had already commented. This one is the most important one, though, as it's the Championship Round.

      I think we have our work cut out for us in representing the cats here. I know here on my page, it looks like Chapin is leading, but I just took a peek at what was going on at Michele's page and it looks like the majority are voting for the dogs over there. So, it's really tough to see who is a clear winner yet.


  17. I prefer Harry Chapin, although when you did the battle weeks back with the Ugly kId Joe version, I preferred that to the original lol. I usually like soft rock of the 70s but just never took to Zepellin. I love Pink Floyd!

    1. Thanks, Kemi!

      This tournament has been quite interesting, to say the least. Thanks for stopping in with your vote :)


  18. I probably subconsciouly leaned towards Led Zepplin even before I heard either. Then I played both and I'm still leaning on Led Zep. So thats my choice for now!

    1. Thanks, Sreekar!

      Appreciate you stopping by :)


  19. I prefer Harry Chapin's , Cats In The Cradle. I find it just as great, no wonder many are in for it. Hoping it will win!The song is awesome!

    1. Thank you Dalene!

      The tournament is pretty exciting. Can't wait for the outocme.


  20. Woh! what an interesting battle. Just like many others I would vote for Cats In The Cradle. It has got its own touch which I love.

    1. Thanks!

      I think it's interesting that on my page, Harry Chapin is getting quite a few votes, but on my counterparts page, it's the opposite. Only time will tell who the real winner will be.


  21. Oooh looks like I'm in the minority but Led Zepplin gets my vote. I love the upbeat nature of the song. Chapin is great but definitely picked Led Zepplin before I even played them haha

    - Jackie

    1. Thanks Jackie!

      That's my favorite as well. And don't worry if it appears you are in minority on this page. Over on Angel's Bark, Led Zeppelin is cleaning up pretty well. It's definitely going to be a close battle.


  22. I love “Me & You & a Dog Named Boo." But then again I also love “Cat’s In The Cradle” both from round 2. I had forgotten about these songs.

    1. Hi there, Terri!

      See, I do have videos on my page :)

      I've got you down as a vote for Cat's In The Cradle, which is a contestant in this Championship Round.

      Thanks for stopping in with a vote.


  23. This is a really fun blog. I would vote for Cat in the cradle as it is one of my favourites.

    1. Thanks, Melissa!

      I do like to have a bit of fun here. It's a nice place to escape from the troubles of our surroundings.


  24. My vote goes to Led Zeppelin Black Dog. It was hard to choose between the two because Cats in the cradle brings back some memories when I was in high school but it was Ugly kids joe's version. Congratulation to all the host of this contest, I had fun listening to some awesome music.

    1. Thanks Peachy!

      This has been a lot of fun. Be sure to check back on the 15th for a brand new battle (with new songs!)


  25. My husband is in a blues band. He's the drummer. I know he's love to watch this and participate if he could.

    1. Hi Terri!

      That's awesome that your husband enjoys his music. What about you? Do you have an opinion or preference?


  26. Cool choices. However, I must vote for Chapin.

    1. Thanks!

      This battle is really shaping up. I'm really happy to see all the votes come flowing in.


  27. Mary,

    Many apologizes for the late visit. Ever since Thursday things have been a bit on hairy around here. We have a lot of irons in the fire and if we can make it until Sunday then maybe things will level out just a bit. *cross fingers*

    I love how you and Michele came together to do this fun theme oriented BoTB that spanned over the last few months. Like so many others, I have to agree and go with Harry Chapin "Cats In The Cradle" in this final showdown but that comes as no surprise to you, though. Thanks for sharing such a fun mewsic series. Have a furrtastic week, my friend!

    1. Thanks, CAThy!

      Michele and I have had a blast with this tournament. One look at my post, and it would appear that Chapin has this one all zipped up - BUT if you look at Michele's post, it would appear as though Zeppelin is taking the lead. We won't know for sure until we get our notes together to see how this one really shakes out.


  28. Not really much into classical music and artist but their contribution to music has remain even up to this day. But If I have to vote I prefer Led. - Chuck

    1. Hi there Chuck!

      There's a huge difference between classical and classic rock :)
      Led Zeppelin thanks you all the same for your support.


  29. Led Zeppelin all the way for me. The guitar is mind blowing and seems to shoo the cats away in my book. I love both songs and can listen to both depending which mood I am in but Led Zeppelin seems to have it all

    1. Oh Birgit!

      You had me laughing out loud! Thank you for that :)
      Led Zeppelin thanks you as well.


  30. I am so loving this.The tournament is a lot of fun. Black Dog definitely gets my vote.

    1. Thanks, Stella!

      So glad that you are enjoying this as much as I am. Looks like with your help, Led Zeppelin is making a come back!


  31. These are definitely not artists I listen to, but after listening to both songs, I would have to vote for Cats in the Cardle :)

    1. Thanks Christina!

      What kind of music do you listen to? Who are your favorite artists?


  32. Well, after looking at your votes over here Mary, looks like Harry Chapin will be the winner and the ultimate champ. But at my place, Led Zeppelin came in the winner at 11 to 6. My vote is for the apparent underdog...and in this case it's "Black Dog". However, as mentioned, I wish I could split my vote and vote at my place for the Dogs and here at your place for the Cats because I do love both songs. In the end, it wouldn't matter if I did a split vote but I'll keep mine whole and keep it for the dogs. I gotta stick up for my canines after all... (though you know me, I love cats too...). :)
    You have a lot more followers/voters than I do too and that's not surprising at all. I'm a much lesser blogger for sure. I wish I had more time to put into it and I envy people who are able to post multiple times per week and even daily, like you do. My hats off to you Girl! You rock! :)

    Looking forward to chatting later on as we wrap up this fun tournament! It's been so much doing this with you and I'm looking forward to doing the next one! talk soon. <3

    1. Hey Michele!

      Once we combine the numbers/votes you'll see that the battle is actually a lot closer than one thinks. This was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to chatting later as well.



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