Battle of the Bands - Dog Fight Edition

Time for the next installment of Battle of the Bands!

A Big welcome to the new readers and a hearty welcome back to those of you who are not so new to this blog.

Our last battle was for the cats, and as promised, today’s battle is for the dogs.

For those of you who may be interested - The battles take place twice a month. Once on the 1st, and again on the 15th. Some participants have chosen to participate only once a month - and that’s okay - we’re just happy to have you join us! Your battle can consist of covers of the same song, different songs with the same title, or even a themed type battle. We’re not going to withhold your dog bones and chew toys if you don’t do as everyone else does. Catch the link later in this post to Stephen’s blog to join in the fun - all you need to do is drop him a comment on his blog and he’ll add you to the roster of participants.  Don’t worry, he may look as though he’s seen better days, he ain’t no junkyard dog.

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here

Here is how a battle works:

Step One - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching)

StepTwo - Pick the contender that you prefer the most

Step Three - Comment with your selection. (Yes, I know my blog can be pretty sometimes. Yes, I know you may not be familiar with the song(s) or artist(s). Don’t tell me about that. Instead, give me your opinion on which is the better contender.)  It’s not rocket science.

Step Four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

Alright - I’ll make this next part quick because I know some of you want to get on to the next dog fight, or cat chase, or maybe even a good nap.

The song I chose for today was written by David Bowie. Diamond Dogs is the title track for the album of the same name, released in 1974. The track was considered by many commentators to be an unconventional single, and it only reached number 21 in the UK. The song was not released in the US, but it became a central part of Bowie’s North American tour in 1974.

Contender #1 - Beck
Beck Hansen, known professionally as Beck, is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, and multi-instrumentalist. He rose to fame in the early 1990s with his sonically experimental and lo-fi style, and became known for creating musical collages of wide genre styles. Today, he musically encompasses folk, funk, soul, hip hop, electronic, alternative rock, country, and psychedelia. He has released 13 studio albums, as well as several non-album singles and a book of sheet music.

Contender #2 - Duran Duran
Duran Duran are an English new wave and synthpop band formed in Birmingham in 1978. The band grew from alternative sensations in 1982 to mainstream pop stars by 1984. By the end of the decade, membership and music style changes challenged the band before a resurgence in the early 1990s. The group were a leading band in the MTV-driven "Second British Invasion" of the US. The band achieved 14 singles in the top 10 of the UK Singles Chart and 21 in the Billboard Hot 100, and have sold over 100 million records worldwide.

YOU DON’T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH AN ARTIST OR A SONG TO KNOW WHICH ONE YOU PREFER.  There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for someone not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

I’ll keep the voting open until Sunday, June 24 @ 3pm EST with results posted on Monday, June 25. 

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands as well. We’ve put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place. You can find a current list on Stephen’s blog (don't forget you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop by simply commenting on his blog that you'd like to join us). 


  1. I personally love your blog post with cute animated creatures in it. I feel joyful everytime I Visit your blog page.

    1. Step Three - Comment with your selection. (Yes, I know my blog can be pretty sometimes. Yes, I know you may not be familiar with the song(s) or artist(s). Don’t tell me about that. Instead, give me your opinion on which is the better contender.) It’s not rocket science.

      Sigh... First one out of the gate, and you can't even comment on the actual post. Perhaps blogging & commenting isn't your strong suit.

  2. I guess I'll have to go with Duran Duran between these 2. Honestly I really don't listen to this type music at all--my age is showing.

    1. Hi Miki!

      Age has nothing to do with it - I got plenty of 'older' folks here that will vouch for that :) Thanks for taking the time to cast your vote!


    2. You're so right, Mary. For the record, I'm 63! ☺

  3. Mary,

    Beck did ok. His style made me think of a cheerleader chanting the song. Am I the only one who hears this? Anywho, I preferred Duran Duran in this battle. Please give them my vote. Have a good weekend, my friend!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks, Cathy!

      Another vote in the books for Duran Duran. I will do my best to have a good weekend, and will definitely see you around on Monday :)


  4. Make it 3 for Duran squared. I really didn't like Beck's version.

    1. Duran squared cubed. Uh oh... I hope I don't have a run away battle on my hands!


  5. Duran Duran for me as well. This is such a fun activity! Very different but also quite fun too. Thank you!!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn!

      We do this twice a month here. And yes, it is quite a bit of fun. Hope to see you again soon :)


  6. Interesting battle, Mary! Duran Duran is the more commercially viable version, but honestly, I found Beck more interesting. Breaking the shutout (so far) and going with Beck. It's a doggie weekend here at The Doglady's Den! ☺ Wishing you a good one.

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      Appreciate you saving me from a shutout! Have a great weekend!


  7. As much as I appreciate the mix in Beck's version, I still think Duran Duran's is the best one. It's my kind of music and it's something that I'd listen to, let's say on Sundays when I'm doing little projects in the house.

    1. Hi Alison!

      I love listening to music while doing my little projects. It sure makes the time go by quicker. Thanks for stopping in!


  8. Duran duran is the best! This is the first time I'm in your blog. Will definitely read more post from you.

    1. Thanks, Kaye!

      I appreciate you taking the time to cast your vote, and I look forward to seeing you here again soon :)


  9. I like some of Beck's recordings, but I didn't care for his version of this song. Too clattery and noisy sounding to my ears, but it might be a lot to do with my computer. I like most of Duran Duran's music, but this recording is one of my least favorites.

    Maybe the problem is that I don't care much for this song. Between these two versions Duran Duran does it better in my opinion so that's where my vote goes.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Lee!

      It's possible that the song just doesn't shine. This gives me an idea for a future post - battle for the best of the worst. Ha! I sure know how to pick some doozies!


  10. >>... "Don’t worry, he may look as though he’s seen better days, he ain’t no junkyard dog."

    Ha! :^) I've got a bad liver and a broken heart. I'm drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin. Yeah, definitely frayed around the edges. But I'm still standing!

    Howdy, MMQE! ~
    Yep, I am certainly familiar with the Bowie original. Although I loves me some dogs, neither Bowie or this song are really in my wheelhouse. Nevertheless, had Debbie not beaten me to it, I would have been busting up the shutout for you.

    It's not JUST because I fear my Man Card would be voided if I voted for Duran Duran. I am also voting for BECK because his version started to grow on me a bit, whereas D.D.'s didn't. I listened to both songs twice and kind of liked the clickin' 'n' clackin' of all the moving parts in BECK's recording.

    That's it! That's my rulin'!!

    ~ Stephen
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. >>... I've got a bad liver and a broken heart. I'm drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin

      Ah, Man! I feel your pain. The Captain (Morgan) and I have become friends recently as well. Thank goodness for free counseling. I'd be a real mess otherwise.

      Thanks for keeping this from being a major shutout. I guess I should stay away from the animals in the battles. These past two have been stinkers.


      postscriptIf you ever happen to lose that Man Card, hit me up. I know a guy that knows a guy. We'll get you taken care of!

    2. Ha! Mary, what would we do without those guys who "know a guy"?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

  11. Id go for duran duran for this battle, I am more familiar with him than the other contender. So my vote is for duran duran.

    1. Thanks, Adessa!

      Appreciate you taking the time to listen to the songs and vote (even if you weren't familiar with both)


  12. Clarice Lao/ Camping for WomenSaturday, June 16, 2018 11:44:00 AM

    OMG! This is so fun. So sad that I just discovered this. I missed a lot in my life. Will review this tomorrow and let you know my top pick.

    1. In My best Anthony Hopkins voice...
      Well, Hello Clarice...

      I do look forward to you coming back with your vote. We like to have a lot of fun around here, so stay tuned!


  13. I'm not familiar with these singers but I will go for Duran Duran! Beck's version wasn't the best.

    1. Hey there Jeremy!

      Sure do appreciate you taking the time to stop in with a vote. Duran Duran thanks you as well :)

      Look forward to seeing you again next time.


  14. So, now that I like Duran Duran's music, I need to cast my vote there. This blog hop sounds a great fun and reading out different battles is indeed something refreshing to me as a blogger.

    1. Thanks, Jhilmil!

      We do have a lot of fun in this blog hop. I always learn so much about various songs and artists, as well as about the bloggers themselves.


  15. Sounds great! Never took part or even visited such a contest but reading your aticle has really given me a new thought.

    1. And at any point during the thought process, were you able to form an opinion on which contestant sounded better to you? Your comment is not even relevant to the post, and that's a shame.

  16. don't know much about this as I never took part in such contests but enjoyed reading this post.

    1. This sounds like a pathetically lame excuse. I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to form an opinion. It tells me quite a bit about your blogging abilities (or more precisely, the lack thereof).

  17. Although I like Beck, I'm not particularly fond of what he did with this song... But, I do love Duran Duran and I love what they did with their cover of Diamond Dogs! So my vote goes to Duran Duran.

    1. Hi Michele!

      They sure did do a pretty darned good job! Thanks for stopping in with a vote :)


  18. You can't beat Beck, I love this song! Duran Duran should stick to Rio!

    1. Hi Cristina!

      Beck did do a really good job with the song. Your vote for him certainly helps keep this from being a shutout.


  19. This is so much fun! I am one of the older "dogs" and grew up with Duran Duran so they get my vote!

    1. Thanks!

      I fondly remember the days of Duran Duran as well. Appreciate you stopping in with a vote.


  20. Duran Duran for me! You cant argue with the legends that are Duran Duran, they win hands down!

    1. Ha! Well, they are definitely giving Beck a run for his money. Thanks for the vote!


    2. Ok, total no brainer for me. Hands down the winners are Duran Duran, always loved them ever since I was a kid. They win this round.

    3. Awesome, Lindsey!

      I've got your vote counted! Appreciate you stopping by.


  21. I can tell this is a David Bowie song and, where I like Duran Duran, I feel they are trying to be different and don't quite get the point. Beck's version is very original and almost performance art-there is intelligence behind his performance of this song so beck get's my version

  22. I've never heard of Beck so was prepared to prefer Duran Duran. However, there was something definitely more interesting about Beck's version so he gets my vote.

    1. Hi There Ava!

      Thank you so much for dropping by with a vote. Be sure to check out the results on Monday :)


  23. Duran Duran gets my vote they added more to the song

  24. Your site is pretty but you already know that… so I'll go straight to the point: my vote goes to Beck :) woof

    1. Thank you Francesca!

      Beck sure does appreciate your vote :) I'll be posting results in my Monday post.


  25.'s my first time here and I'm loving it. I won't be able to comment, in depth for today since I'm still learning my way round it but all the best, for next time!

    Much love!

    1. It makes me sad. You have the time to comment, but you don't have time to simply state which version of the song you prefer?

  26. Oh I hope I still make it! I love Duran Duran! The band of my childhood. haha Used to watch their music videos on repeat.

    1. Hi Sigrid!

      Plenty of time :) Good thing I was looking in the spam section, otherwise I would not of seen your comment. Thanks for stopping by!


  27. MY HUBBY LIKES Duran Duran. I love the images of the dogs on your post too on a separate note.

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