It's All In A Name... Part Three #4M

Time again for Monday’s Music Moves Me, otherwise known as #4M or M4, depending upon whom you are conversing with.  Today’s Theme is  a freebie, so I’m going to continue on with my ‘It’s All In a Name’ series. This is part three of a three part series.

As you may recall, in part one of the series, we had songs with male names in the title. Part two consisted of songs with female names in the title. And that brings us to part three - ‘Songs with BOTH male and female names in the title’

(Just Like) Romeo & Juliet - The Reflections

The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde - Georgie Fame

Bonita And Bill Butler - Alison Krauss & Union Station

Jack & Diane - John Mellencamp

Jack and Jill - Ray Parker Jr & Raydio

What are some of your favorite songs that have both male and female names in the titles?  Did you like this little series? What other musical topics would you like to see here?

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked and Curious as a Cathy.  Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.

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  1. Very nice songs. Love Allison Krauss.

  2. Jack and Diane is certainly a good one. Great idea for a theme. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

    1. Thanks, Joyce!

      I had a lot of fun playing with this theme and breaking it down into various parts.


  3. Great tunes my friend and yes the theme was a freebie OR Labor Day tunes it was your choice & I loves your choices! YOU'VE ROCKED THE HOUSE FOR SURE! Have a fantastic relaxing day!!! We're gonna barbecue down by our river. It's only abour 5 blocks away so it'll be fun & we're taking our pup Charlie. Gonna put up a post later about how Charlie is getting along if you wanna stop by! hugs

  4. Clever theme, and you built a nice set! These are all great songs.

    1. Thanks, John!

      I'll have to come up with another idea soon. Hopefully I'll get some inspiration this week :)


  5. ooh, very cool Mary! I wasn't expecting that: songs with BOTH male and female names in the title! Good one! That's tough. Besides John Mellencamp's Jack & Diane, the only other one that I can think of is "Frankie & Johnny", a song about a girl named Frankie who shoots her lover because she caught him with another woman. There are several versions of the song but the one I'm most familiar with is by Sam Cooke (an artist I also featured in my 4M post today). Elvis did a version of it and Van Morrison and several others. Apparently it's based on a true story from a long time ago.

    I didn't know any of your songs here (besides Jack & Diane). My favorite is Bonita and Bill Butler by Alison Krauss & Union Station. That is a good song! Love the violin. Reminds me of Marshall Tucker a little bit. Great sound. I'm definitely going to check more of Alison out. I bet I'd like her stuff...

    Hope you had a great Labor Day! Back to the grind now... No days off until Presidents Day. I wish they still separated Washington's birthday and Lincoln's birthday so there'd be two days off! Even though I work at home, a holiday gives me an excuse not to do anything! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks, Michele!

      I really like the Frankie and Johnny song, too. Thought I'd do something a little different today.

      What's this no days off until February?!? Not even Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years? your boss must be a slave driver! I had a relatively quiet weekend. Worked Saturday, but slept in today. Spent most of my time working on social media stuffs. I need to figure out some posts for next week, and then it's back to regular grind for me. I'd do a post about Steely Dan, but I just did one a few months ago.

      Am running behind on making the rounds today. It may be tomorrow before I get there!


    2. Good grief, when is Presidents Day? What the hell is in October that we get a day off for?? I thought it was Presidents Day.
      Oh, I guess it's Columbus Day. same thing. :) Lol

  6. Mary,

    I've enjoyed your series of songs with people's names in the song titles. I like that you've included male/female names together. Some of these are new-to-me. Allison Krauss & the Union Station being one which is a good suit to my listening pleasure. I rarely think of Ray Parker Jr's other mewsic with Ghostbusters first to come to mind. "Jack and Jill" is a good reminder that he had other popular songs. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gals.Have a good week, my friend!

    1. Hi Cathy!

      I'll admit that I enlisted the help of the internet for this last part of the series. It was a fun exercise putting the list together. Some of the songs I had heard before, but most were new to me as well. Not a bad showing. I'll be making my rounds later today. I'm still running a bit behind.


  7. What awesome choices, Mary! Perfect selections for your creative theme! :) Thanks so much for the dance!


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