#BOTB Results Hazy Shade of Winter & Quick Announcement

The Results are IN! 

Here’s how it works: I’ll be posting two versions of the same song and after you give a listen to each, place your vote for your favorite and reason for the way you voted in the comments section.

The Battles take place on or around the 1st and 15th of each month, and the results will be posted on or around the 7th and 21st. As I only post Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, the posting date will be closest to those dates as possible.

The other blogs participating in the Battle of the Bands are posting different battles (different songs), So once you’re done voting and commenting on my battle, take a moment to visit the other participants and vote & comment on their battles.  There are some really good battles going on!

The Song: Hazy Shade of Winter

You can read more about the battle Here


The Contenders:  El Chorazon vs Glyder

And the Trophy goes to:

The Votes:

It was literally back and forth in the votes all week long, until Friday, when Glyder pulled out ahead of the pack and did not look back.

El Chorazon with 4 votes
Glyder with 7 votes 

Congratulations to Glyder for pulling off this win!

Here's Simon and Garfunkel to sing us out today:

For a list of all blogs participating in Battle of the Bands Click Here

Be sure to come back and vote for the next round!

Quick Announcement

I am taking a brief hiatus while I move from Oregon to Colorado. I hope to be back online early February, but will most definitely be back in time for the Feb 15 Battle of the Bands. It most likely won't happen on the 1st, but I do plan to make my rounds to the other battle participants in this next round.

What does tomorrow bring?

Tune in to find out! 

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