BOTB Results and A to Z Theme Reveal

The Results are IN!

Here’s how it works: I’ll be posting two versions of the same song and after you give a listen to each, place your vote for your favorite and reason for the way you voted in the comments section. I’ll tally the votes and post the results in another post 6 days later. The Battles take place on the 1st and 15th of each month, and the results will be posted on or around the 7th and 21st.  The other blogs participating in the Battle of the Bands are posting different battles (different songs), So once you’re done voting and commenting on my battle, take a moment to visit the other participants and vote & comment on their battles.  There are some really good battles going on!

The Song: Build Me Up Buttercup

You can read more about the battle Here


The Contenders: The Foundations vs The Valentines

The Winner: It wasn't a complete shut out! 

The Valentines came in with 5 votes
The Foundations won with 11 votes

Thank you everyone for taking the time to stop by and vote! 

For a list of all blogs participating in Battle of the Bands Click Here

Be sure to come back and vote for the next round!

A to Z Theme Reveal

It's time for me to reveal my theme for this years A to Z Challenge!

drum roll please......

The topic that I've chosen for this year is...

Women in Music

 See who else has chosen to participate in A to Z Theme Reveal

What does tomorrow bring?

It's not happening tomorrow, but very very soon!

2016 A to Z blogging challenge!
Bloggers, Click the image to sign up.

Readers, I hope you are looking forward to this challenge as much as I am!

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