Battle of the Bands: It Never Rains in Southern California

Time for Round #4 of Battle of the Bands!

Here’s how it works: I’ll be posting two versions of the same song and after you give a listen to each, place your vote for your favorite and reason for the way you voted in the comments section. I’ll tally the votes and post the results in another post 6 days later. The Battles take place on the 1st and 15th of each month, and the results will be posted on or around the 7th and 21st.  The other blogs participating in the Battle of the Bands are posting different battles (different songs), So once you’re done voting and commenting on my battle, take a moment to visit the other participants and vote & comment on their battles.  There are some really good battles going on!

It's Summer. It's hot. And even though I don't live in California, this song comes to mind. Or maybe it's because I just did a piece on Albert Hammond, that this song is stuck in my head.

The Song:  "It Never Rains in Southern California" 

Wikipedia tells us this:

"It Never Rains in Southern California", written by Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood, is a song first released by Hammond, a British born singer-songwriter, in 1972. The song is from his album, It Never Rains in Southern California. Hammond's version peaked at number five on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 that year.

In the UK the song is perhaps the quintessential example (alongside The Doobie Brothers "Listen to the Music") of a turntable hit: A song which, although very frequently played and requested on radio, never makes it into the charts. Through the 1970s, the record was re-issued at least five times by various labels—but remained outside the UK top 40, despite yet more airplay—and is still frequently to be heard on UK radio.

The song concerns the struggles of an actor who moves out to California to pursue a career in Hollywood but does not have any success and deteriorates in the process. In the chorus, Hammond sings, "It never rains in California, but girl don't they warn ya. It pours, man it pours."

In 1989, Hammond re-recorded the song for his "Best of Me" greatest hits compilation

The First Contender:  Albert Hammond

The Second Contender: Trent Summar & the New Row Mob

Who will you choose?

Alright now, it’s time to cast your vote! In the comments, please enter who you are voting for and why you chose them. Stay tuned, results will be posted on or around the 7th and 21st!

And don’t forget to visit these other battles going on today!

What does tomorrow bring?

Tune in to find out! 

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